Wondering how the Budget is going to benefit you? Got doubts over how it will be implemented? Tonight you get the chance to post your Budget 2013 questions, and get your answers directly from the Prime Minister himself… live!
To ask questions through Twitter, add the #TanyaNajib hashtag into your question tweet.
To ask questions through Facebook, like/visit his Page (bit.ly/TanyaNajibF), and post your question onto the Facebook wall with a " #TanyaNajib " hashtag.
To ask questions through Google+, add +Najib Razak into your Google+ circle (bit.ly/TanyaNajibG) and post your question on the wall with a " #TanyaNajib " hashtag.
And stay tuned to Prime Minister Najib's YouTube channel (bit.ly/TanyaNajibY) at 9pm today, 3rd October 2012, for the live broadcast of the #TanyaNajib Bajet 2013 special session.
It’s a unique opportunity to engage directly with the Prime Minister, and let him know your thoughts on the Budget and the future. So don’t miss out on your chance to #TanyaNajib!